Birjuice (Berkenwater & Berkensap)
Every early spring, our Eastern European birch trees draw up water from the deep soil to wake up from hibernation and start growing again. The trees absorb a lot of water that is converted into nutritious birch juice (berkenwater & berkensap). Only in this short time of the year we can harvest the birch trees precious juice.

Without harming the birch tree we will tap the 100% natural filtered and highly enriched juice directly into our bottle. Our pure natural slightly sweet juice is full of essential nutrients, vitamin C and a rich source of antioxidants. It has been used for centuries to help flush toxins out of the body, reduce the skin’s aging effects and help you stay fit.
Birjuice is natures healthy bio drink. It is a sustainable drink never diluted with water, without added sugars and without anything artificial. Even the vikings drank this healthy natural thirst lesser. Birjuice is the healthy alternative for common sodas and sport drinks, which often contain excessive amounts of sugars and additives.